An introduction to the implementation of innovative education in the teaching of mechanical drawing

  Under the promotion of education, China’s mechanical teaching has been greatly developed, various new teaching methods have emerged, and experimental equipment is more complete, which has brought greater convenience to students’ mechanical learning.

Mechanical drawing teaching is an important way to improve students’ hands-on ability, but many teachers are influenced by the traditional teaching concept, and do not have a good knowledge of drawing teaching, still favoring theoretical explanation, even though the practical operation of drawing, but only their own independent completion, without the effective participation of students, resulting in more problems in students’ mechanical learning. Therefore, teachers must change their own teaching methods and effectively carry out innovative education to help students effectively improve their mechanical level.

  The significance of implementing innovative education in mechanical drawing teaching

  Mechanical drawing is an important part of basic mechanical knowledge, emphasizing the cultivation of students’ practical hands-on ability and logical thinking ability, which plays an important role in the improvement of students’ mechanical level. In the teaching of mechanical drawing, teachers mainly train students’ ability to read diagrams and spatial imagination according to their actual learning situation, so that students can effectively solve various practical mechanical problems and accurately judge the essential laws of various drawing problems, so as to improve students’ mechanical drawing level comprehensively.

In the process of mechanical drawing, students need to clarify the specific image of the graphics and form a certain spatial image in their minds, and then analyze the characteristics of the graphics through association and comparison, and form a new spatial image in order to effectively complete the drawing operation. In the teaching of mechanical drawing, students need to convert the three views into spatial three-dimensional graphics through certain thinking methods, and then form a specific spatial image in their minds through association, disassembly and other operations, and then accurately understand the various knowledge contained in the graphics.

Therefore, developing students’ spatial imagination is the key to improving students’ graphing skills and is an important step to help them improve their overall mechanical skills. Therefore, it is of great significance to implement innovative education in teaching mechanical subjects.

  The implementation of innovation education in mechanical drawing teaching requires teachers to take effective measures to improve students’ awareness of independent learning and independent inquiry, and to be able to generate the desire to learn mechanical drawing knowledge in depth, so as to better improve students’ overall mechanical level.

Under the guidance of innovative education, teachers must take students as the main body of teaching, change the way they used to be the main lecturer, change into a tutor, encourage students to do their own drawing practice, so that students can change from a passive state to an active state, and from receiving knowledge to investigating knowledge.

Under the guidance of innovative education theory, teachers need to cultivate students’ habits of independent learning, strengthen communication with students, give full play to students’ main consciousness, create a good learning atmosphere, and ensure that students can follow their own learning plans and goals for drafting training even when they are left unattended.

Therefore, under the role of innovative education, students’ mechanical drawing level can be effectively improved and the quality of mechanical drawing teaching can be better guaranteed.

  Methods of implementing innovative education in mechanical drawing teaching

  (A) strengthen the guidance of students

  In mechanical drawing teaching, strengthen the guidance of students not only can better improve students’ interest in learning, but also can help students solve various problems, and then effectively improve the students’ mechanical level, therefore, strengthen the guidance of students has an important role.

In the actual teaching, many teachers do not change the ideology of teaching subject to themselves, do not pay attention to the understanding of students’ learning situation, and less communication with students, resulting in students are always in a passive learning state; in this indoctrination teaching mode, students’ learning interest can not be effectively improved, and there is a greater confusion in some drafting problems, but can not be solved in time The quality of classroom is seriously affected.

Therefore, under the guidance of innovative education theory, teachers can design some pre-study sessions to stimulate students’ desire to learn through the problem inquiry method, so that students can think and explore on their own, and let them gradually change into active learning state. Teachers can provide targeted guidance to students according to their actual learning situation, and require students to summarize what they have learned, so as to better help students learn mechanical knowledge.

  (2) Optimize the teaching method of drawing

  There is a close connection between mechanical drawing and actual production, with strong professionalism and emphasis on practical operation, so teachers must optimize the teaching method of drawing to improve students’ practical drawing ability. Many teachers still adopt the traditional method of teaching, emphasizing theoretical knowledge, with less practical aspects of drawing, in which case it is difficult for students to effectively solve practical drawing problems with the drawing knowledge they have learned, which is detrimental to their development. Therefore, under the guidance of innovative education theory, teachers can adopt the problem inquiry method to teach drafting and guide students to conduct independent inquiry on drafting knowledge by stimulating their desire to learn, so as to better improve students’ practical ability.

For example, when learning the formation of three views and the law of projection, teachers can ask, “When different angles of light shine on the same object, the projection formed is the same? Under the guidance of the question, students’ interest in inquiry is better mobilized and they start to think independently. At this point, the teacher can reinforce the question, “If the light hits our textbook from different angles, will the projection shape be rectangular?

Some students will answer, “They are all rectangular”; others will answer, “Because the light is shining from different angles, the projection may be rectangular in shape, but there may be differences in size. After that, the teacher can summarize and solve the problems that students do not understand.

  (iii) Effective design of mapping assignments

  In the design of drafting assignments, teachers must analyze students’ differences, make reasonable designs for the difficulty of the topics, try to come up with more flexible topics, and let students strengthen cooperation and communication with each other, so as to effectively expand students’ drafting thinking and be able to carry out independent drafting operations. The teacher then strengthens the inspection, timely help students to solve difficult problems, and better improve the students’ mechanical level.


  The teaching of mechanical drawing requires teachers to fully mobilize students’ learning enthusiasm, so that they can effectively participate in the drawing process and conduct independent investigation for various problems.

However, in practice, many teachers do not pay attention to the practical aspects of drawing test teaching, and do not pay better attention to the learning needs of students, resulting in students encountering greater problems in mechanical learning.

Therefore, teachers must make a reasonable analysis of the actual learning situation of students, strengthen the innovative education of mechanical drawing teaching, mobilize students’ interest in learning, and improve students’ hands-on ability, so as to better guarantee the mechanical learning effect of students.